Meet Eric Linnell, A Published Author, and a Big Ink Employee
Meet Eric Linnell! He is a published author, father of 3 and a Big Ink employee of 6 years.
Summer is finally in full swing here in Minnesota and we’d like to suggest a good book for summer reading over these next few warm months. Eric, a BIG INK employee, recently published his second novel, This Side of Zero. We wanted to get the inside scoop about him as an author, find out if a third book is on the way and what he loves about the writing process. Here’s what we learned about Eric!

The Interview
BIG INK: Did you always want to be a writer?
Eric: Yes. My favorite class in school was creative writing and it was the only one I ever did well in.
BIG INK: Was it a different experience writing this recent novel This Side of Zero, over your first novel, Reflex Blue?
Eric: Yes it was completely different! The first book took me over 10 years to write. My first idea was to have the storyline be seen on the big screen and not read. I sent out the movie script to a few places and luckily for me it was denied. It was only after that, that I decided to make it a novel. Turning it into a novel let me dive deeper into the characters than I ever could have on screen. The second book took two years to write which I am surprised I did with a wife, two toddlers and a baby on the way. It was a lot of late nights and quickly jotted down notes that made This Side of Zero. I only use word docs for the books. This one I had 47 different chapters in 47 different word docs. From there it was like a puzzle, moving chapters around until they fit perfectly.
BIG INK: Do you already have a third book in the works?
Eric: No, I don’t know when that will happen. I didn’t know for this one, it just started up one day and I am also still working on selling and promoting this novel.
BIG INK: What do you love about writing/storytelling?
Eric: I love getting lost in the creative flow and losing track of time. I’ve always loved reading because I can get so lost in a book. My favorite authors are Ron McLarty, Tom Perrotta and most recently, Gillian Flynn the author who wrote Gone Girl. My favorite book of all time is hands down, The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty.
We at BIG INK couldn’t be prouder! Our employees are always accomplishing great things both in and out of our office. Congrats Eric! If your in the market for a new book go check out, This Side of Zero.